Revocation of Beneficiary Designations Upon Divorce

By: Jason Damberg , Kathryn (Katy) Graves | Minnesota Lawyer | February 10, 2014
Beneficiary Designations, Divorce Settlements


Kathyrn Graves and Jaime Driggs have some insight when it comes to the revocation of beneficiary designations upon divorce in a family law article in Minnesota Lawyer™.

Read more at Revocation of Beneficiary Designations Upon Divorce.

  Originally published for Minnesota Lawyer
Jason Damberg
Innately compassionate, I patiently provide assistance during this extremely difficult time to guide you through the process and transition to a brighter future. A sport pilot in my spare time, I equate this to seeing clients fly with a fresh new start on life. With nearly a decade of paralegal experience, I assist the firm’s family law attorneys with all phases of marriage dissolution, including:...
Kathryn (Katy) Graves
The law can seem cold and impersonal, but in every family law case, hearts are involved. I form trusted relationships with my clients—spouses, parents, and grandparents—to ensure you feel important and respected. I actively listen to achieve your goals and help you through this difficult time. As a purposeful advocate, I can assure that you will have a voice during negotiations or in court. There...