Tax Controversy and Dispute Resolution


Sometimes even the wisest foresight and attention to detail still results in disputes with taxing authorities. Frequently, businesses and individuals find themselves in disputes over income and sales taxes, estate and gift taxes, and generation skipping taxes. Henson Efron tax attorneys can assist when fiduciary returns become involved in controversies over valuations, deductible debts, claims and expenses, or an employer finds itself in employment tax disputes.

From the early stages of an audit to final resolution of a controversy or dispute, Henson Efron tax attorneys vigorously defend a client’s interests. Whether it’s negotiating a settlement with a taxing authority, protecting assets from unwarranted collection actions, or advocating in front of a court, tribunal or tax agencies, our tax attorneys have the experience and training to represent our client’s interests.

Tax Controversy and Dispute Resolution Services

  • Administrative Tax Appeals
  • Federal and State Tax Court
  • Audit and Examination
  • Collections Due Process Hearings
  • Offers and Compromise
  • Tax Court Appeals
  • Criminal Defense