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Should I Buy or Lease a Space? Consider these X-Factors!

| April 29, 2015
Commercial Real Estate, Landlord/Tenant Matters, Real Estate Equity, Rent vs Own, Risk Management

It’s the burning question on the mind of many entrepreneurs – should I buy or lease a building for my business? Trulia recently ranked the top 10 U.S. cities where buying currently makes more financial sense than renting, and 9 of the top 10 were in the Midwest. The survey focused on residential property, but […]


Pending Family Law Legislation

By: Alan Eidsness , Jaime Driggs | Minnesota Lawyer | March 13, 2015
Child Support, Divorce Settlements

The 2015 legislative session is shaping up to be an interesting one for the family law community. Attorneys Alan C. Eidsness and Jaime Driggs cover the possible changes and impacts in Pending Family Law Legislation. “This legislative session is shaping up to be an interesting one for the family law community as several bills have been introduced covering a wide […]

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Defaulted on Your Mortgage? – What Commercial Property Owners Should Know

| December 9, 2014
Commercial Real Estate, Mortgage Defaults

While many businesses are slowly recovering from the U.S. economic downtown, attorneys continue to see business owners on the receiving end of default notices from their mortgage lenders. In addition to the fears associated with getting current on mortgage payments, many owners are uncertain about the processes involved in the event foreclosure occurs or what […]


Intricacies of Drafting Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

By: Kathryn (Katy) Graves , Jason Damberg | Minnesota Lawyer | November 10, 2014
Domestic Relations

Kathyrn Graves and Jason Damberg have some insight when it comes to drafting domestic relations orders in a family law article in Minnesota Lawyer™. Read more at Intricacies of Drafting Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.

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Key Players in a Commercial Real Estate Transaction

| November 4, 2014
Commercial Real Estate, Purchase Agreements

Once you decide to buy commercial real estate, it’s important to assemble a solid team who can provide you with the knowledge and experience needed to help make a smooth transaction. For a successful purchase, a tentative buyer should find a broker, attorney, accountant and loan officer they trust and can work well with from […]


When is an IRA not an IRA?

By: Christopher Burns | Minnesota Lawyer | October 20, 2014
IRAs, Wills & Trusts Agreements

The unanimous United States Supreme Court decision in Clark v. Rameker affirmed that funds from inherited IRAs were not protected from bankruptcy creditors. Estate, trust and probate attorney Christopher J. Burns and Kiley Henry detail the decision in their article, “When is an IRA not an IRA?” and discuss what attorneys and other advisors should […]