Child Custody & Support Proceedings

Family Law

Disputes over child custody and support arise in many different proceedings other than divorce: custody and parenting time cases involving unmarried parents; paternity cases; third party custody and third party visitation cases, where someone other than a parent is seeking custody or visitation with a child; grandparent visitation requests; and child support claims, which can be related to any of these proceedings. In all cases, the best interests of the minor child is the essential focus of the proceeding.

Henson Efron’s family law attorneys are experienced in handling all of these custody proceedings, from complex cases involving mental health issues, allegations of abuse, or chemical dependency concerns, to cases where the parties are able to quickly negotiate a resolution. Where appropriate, we advise and assist our clients through the negotiation or ADR (alternative dispute resolution) process to fashion agreements in the best interests of the child. We have extensive motion and trial court experience to effectively advocate for our clients where agreement is not possible.

Child Custody and Support Proceedings

  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Paternity
  • Third Party Custody

  • Third Party Visitation
  • Grandparent Visitation
  • Parenting Time Disputes