Christopher Burns Recognized by Minnesota State Bar Association as a Pro Bono All-Star

October 28, 2020

Henson Efron is pleased to announce attorney, Christopher Burns, has been honored by the Minnesota State Bar Association for his consistent commitment to pro bono service.

In 2012, the MSBA created the North Star Lawyer Program as a way to recognize members who provided 50 or more hours of pro bono service in a given calendar year. In conjunction with Pro Bono Week 2020 (October 26-30), the MSBA created a new designation – Pro Bono All-Stars – to acknowledge members who have participated for seven or more years. Christopher has participated in every year of the program. 

Lawyers who help people who otherwise could not afford counsel achieve justice should be celebrated. By generously donating their time and talent, they change lives. At Henson Efron, we are committed to giving back and our belief is that pro bono work exemplifies the best traditions of our profession.